
He's Here!

Nolan Michael arrived on August 12th at 7:14am in the morning, weighing seven pounds and fourteen ounces.  I had been having contractions off and on for a full week before this perfect little angel made his debut, but the delivery was fast and furious. He was born shortly after we arrived to the hospital and we were even lucky enough to have my amazing OB there for the delivery before his on-call shift ended.  Since Nolan's arrival the love in our hearts has literally multiplied. He brings so much joy to our family and every time I think back to the day he arrived I am filled with so much happiness. Our family is complete. 

We have been adjusting to life as a family of four and Chris and I have been working together to get into the groove of having two kids under two. There are so many things that I want to write about - like what it is like giving birth the second time around, how it feels to take care of two little munchkins, thoughts on having a boy, what our plans are for the next year, all the cute things Nolan does, how Maya is doing being a big sister, and so on. I get all these thoughts in my head and want to write it down but when you have two kids you really do not sleep at all (I know you don't with the first babe - but for reals you do not get ANY sleep the second time around when your toddler decides to start her day at 5am because she heard her baby brother waking up for a feed). So for now, I will just settle for posting random thoughts here and there until life becomes normal again. 

Speaking of which, my random thought right now is how grateful I am to have my husband around. We are such a team right now.  He is totally stepping up to the plate, and has always been an amazing father from day one. And the cool thing is we are able to stick together when things get stressful and still laugh with one another on a daily basis.  For example, as I write this I am laughing my head off  because I just watched him accidentally walk into the screen door to our back porch and now he is making fun of himself.  The other day we had a hilarious moment when we were changing Nolan's diaper on the go and we experienced our first "poop-nami"....but more on the later. 

In the mean time Chris and I are sitting in the living room playing scrabble with each other on our phones, making funny comments to each other about who is going to score more points.  Nolan is snoozing away all cuddled up nice and warm on my chest, and I am listening to Maya on the monitor sighing in content as she sleeps in her bed. It's no crazy night on the town, but what more could a girl ask for?

1 comment:

  1. You two with your two little munchkins makes my heart swell with pride. Yesterday, at Maren's birthday party, you both were so cool and laid back - you make it look so easy but I know it's because you work together and help each other. You are both great parents!!


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