
You're My Inspiration


Another blurb about someone who inspires me. This person I am related to. We are the same age. The first word that comes to mind when I describe her to people is "kindred spirit".  This person is one of the few people that know my innermost thoughts and secrets. I have never laughed as often and as much as I have with this person. When we talk the words just melt out of our mouths like butter. We almost finish each other's sentences. The reason she is an inspiration to me is because she is a survivor. She has endured very difficult things and remains resilient. She has grown into an amazing individual and she has always had this motivating quality about her.  When she is around others she is a leader, a mentor, a hilarious person. She has this thing about her where she is intuitive, sensitive to others, always knows what is not spoken. She has had to work through a lot of crap in her life to get to where she is, but that does not define her and that is not all of her. She is creative, artistic, kind, lovely. Her roots are in simple values and she often demonstrates a wisdom that is beyond her years. She is the queen of finding touching and sentimental gifts for others. She always makes sure there is meaning in her relationships. She puts thought and love into everything she does. She thrives on doing for others, although as an adult she now knows when to take care of herself too. She is one of the most thoughtful people I know. The other thing I admire is that she is one of the bravest people I know. She has faced some emotions that anyone would want to run away from, but yet here she is - a survivor - going forward every day, living her life, and touching many hearts along the way.  I don't think she really knows how others see her and how important she is to so many people, but we are all like that aren't we?  Today I will think of her if I need some courage, if I need to be brave, if I need to keep going. 

Other people who inspire me: 


A random collage of beautiful things to share:

In my piano room there is this one window right above the piano. When I am playing I get to see the seasons change. Here are some pictures I took last fall when the sky was really blue. 

Another thing that I think is beautiful is watching things grow. Whether it is a plant or an animal or a family member. It is amazing to see how we are always changing, always growing. It makes me think of my first baby. When he was a pup he was sooooo cute, and he grew fast, and now he is such a handsome little doggy. When I look back at these pictures I smile. He started out so tiny that he used to fit his whole body under the coffee table and now he is lucky if he could even fit his head. 

Another beautiful thing:  girl talk. It's the best.

Other beautiful things:





The other day Chris was watching The Biggest Loser on TV.  It happened to be a day that I was craving some sort of junk food, although I can't remember what the food was. Seeing the show pop up on TV reminded me of the bigger picture and I kept on task. I have a friend who always tells me that things happen for a reason and she believes that things come up in your life just when you need them.  I believe that we are the makers of our own destiny, but I can't help but think maybe on some level she is right.  I guess this would just be one small example.

Often times when I am needing some sort of boost something comes up or I run into someone and it keeps me going. Today I am going to remember that if I get stuck and hope that something comes my way to keep me motivated. 


I've complained about this before, but man, the lack of sleep is catching up to me again. I am trying to phase out Maya's night time feedings, she has been getting up twice a night.

I long for the days when she was sleeping ten hours straight. Those were the days. I really think it's starting to affect my health and may even be slowing down my weight loss progress. We'll see how we make out tonight. 



Baby Girl


How can I not stay motivated when I get to look at baby girt's face every day? She is a constant reminder. She is growing every day and learning new things all the time. Yesterday she had a little fun listening to music in the jolly jumper. 

Belly Laughs...

Crazy Legs...

Gotta love it. 


There is a book called "The Book of Awesome" and this site is kind of the blog version of the book. I love going to it every day to be reminded that there are nice things that happen in life, you just have to look.  A lot of how our lives turn out depends on our frame of mind. It is hard to stay positive at times, but this site helps give a daily dose of what is awesome in the world.  



Here's To Good Health


Yesterday I was at the doctor's office taking care of some minor thing. While I was there I was reading this magazine and it has these articles about people will all these illnesses, etc. It really made me realize that a lot of us take our health for granted. I am still young, able bodied, and healthy. Why would I waste that by eating junk food and living a sedentary life like many others do?  I have always done some sort of exercise in the past but usually had a hard time sticking to something for a long period of time. I would go in spurts where I would take up running, or join the gym, only to quit a few months later. Finally about six months before I was pregnant with Maya I stuck to something that I really liked.  Then when I got pregnant I stopped completely except for walking (which was short lived because of the cold winter weather). Since she has been born I have gone consistently to my cardio kickboxing classes and I see a difference. I hope with my next pregnancy I will be able to work out more and stay active. The other thing is I have followed diets and healthy meal plans in the past but I never did them together consistently. I would get to the gym five days a week but not eat well. I would finally start weight watchers but only work out once a week.  This time I am doing both and it is also making a difference.  I am going to enjoy the fact that I am capable of doing these things because you never know when you might end up having an injury or disease that could take it all away.  I am going to take care of myself and enjoy my health while I can. That is what motivates me today. 


Check this out. 


And this:

Ha! Ha! Ha!



Life Is Good


Lately Chris and I have been going for lots of walks with our baby girl and the dog. The weather this weekend was so cool and crisp - perfect walking weather! It is nice to be able to do something as a family that is as simple as getting a little exercise and catching up on our day. 

Since I have been off work we have also been having a lot more family meals. Sitting together and having this routine has been nice. These are the moments where it all begins. Where we start being a family.
This afternoon Chris and I even sat on the back porch together and just looked out onto the yard with our dog Gunther while Maya was upstairs napping. We talked about what the next few years are going to look like for us.  It's the simple things like that which make me content with life at the moment. I know that one day Maya will become independent and things won't be as easy and simple. Sure,  having an infant is busy and crazy a lot of the time - there is a lot of worrying, lack of sleep and so on. But one day I am going to look back on this time and wish that things were as content as they are now.  Especially when Maya becomes a teenager and decides that I have ruined her life even though she still expects me to give her twenty dollars and a ride to her friends' house.  These times also allow me to continue to focus on what is important, and being healthy is one of the top priorities on the list. So that is what I will continue to think about today. 


This week I am going to attempt to put together some kind of apple filling that has no sugar in it that is still tasty.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

I may try to pair it with a low fat crepe recipe I found online. So stay tuned!



You Is Important


Last night our plans fell through to go out with friends and since we already booked the grandparents to baby sit we got to go on another date night!  I talked Chris into going to see The Help, even though he was convinced it was going to be a girly movie. I read the book and wanted to see it. I have to admit, when we walked in the theatre, Chris was the only guy there under the age of 65, but still, he said it wasn't as bad as he thought (I think he secretly enjoyed it).  

For those of you who have not seen the movie, it is basically set in the civil rights era, where a southern woman writes an anonymous book about what it's like for black maids to work for white families. They all tell their stories and it talks about how a lot of the maids basically raise their employer's children, only for the children to grow up and turn out just like their snooty white mothers.  Anyhow, there is this scene where one of the maids is trying to instil a sense of self worth in the little girl she cares for, because the little girl's mother isn't very good to her. 

Later on in the movie she has to say goodbye to the little girl and she makes her repeat all the things she taught her. It almost made me cry because I felt so bad that the little girl would have to grow up with a Mom that was ruining her self esteem.  She looked so young and vulnerable. It would break my heart if Maya grew up not thinking she was important and worthy and loved. It really got me thinking just how much influence we have in shaping these little beings. Like I have said before, I think it's important to instil a sense of self worth in your children from day one.  

I think the first step in doing that is being able to become a confident role model for my baby girl. It seems that all girls have some self esteem issues at some point in their lives. Being older and wiser now I can't believe that I didn't realize my own potential when I was younger, but such is life. All I can do is start being good to myself now. That is what keeps me going today.

On a side note, my hubby sent us flowers for no reason the other day. Isn't that nice. We are important to someone :)


Ok, I know I've complained about this before, but seriously, there are some times where I am still surprised by the crazy size of food portions that places serve. It gets me every time! Last night my hubby had a coupon for two medium ice cream cones at Marble Slab Creamery so we decided date night was a good time to use them. This place has very tasty ice cream where you can add all kinds of toppings that they mix into your cone. I had chocolate with marshmellows. Yum. The only thing is, we usually would order the smallest size because a) this place is super expensive  b) we know that places like this go overboard on portions  c) we are trying to have things in moderation. But since we had the coupons, a medium cone it was. I should have known, but the actual size of the cone surprised me. It was massive. It felt like it weighed a ton. If I had a camera I would have taken a picture. But since I didn't I googled "medium marble slab ice cream cone" and there were actually a dozen pictures of these things on people's blogs including this one:

and this one:

The pictures don't even do it justice. No wonder North Americans are the fattest people on earth. It's just not necessary. It's hard to complete with this. On the other hand, I know that no one has a gun to their head making them eat like this . We can say no, but often times we don't. That is the real problem. Especially when people are eating like this all the time. That is what causes obesity in our country. But I know that is not a new revelation. Nonetheless I feel compelled to comment on it. 



You're My Inspiration


Another post about women in my life who inspire me. Today is a shout out to my Mom. She is an inspiration to me because she stands by her convictions. She believes that everyone is equal and should be treated with respect. She stands up for the underdog. She does not waver from her own personal ethics. She calls a spade a spade. She says it how it is. She is tactful and straightforward with others. You always know where you stand with her. When I was growing up, she did a great job of practicing what she preached. She was not one of those parents who said do as I say, not as I do. If there was  a value she strongly believed in, she set the example by following it herself.  Sure she probably thinks she made some mistakes along the way - what parent hasn't - but overall she stood her ground when it came to how others should be treated. She is the reason that I feel I am open minded person, because even though she believed in certain things, she urged her kids to make up their own minds. Not only that but her family is important to her. When her kids come home to visit her eyes light up and her voice softens in that motherly way.  Her work life and home life has always been about advocating for others and that is to be admired. She has passed on many values and traditions that her parents have taught her and I will do the same for Maya. So thanks Mom for setting a good example and teaching me about how to treat others. You are an intelligent and headstrong woman who is an inspiration!

Others who inspire me:


This trip was in Mexico a few years back and the grounds were so beautiful. It makes me want to go back (sigh).  So here are some more beautiful things for your viewing pleasure. 

Other beautiful things:


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