
Let's Get This Started

Ok so I have been thinking about how to set some realistic goals for myself during this pregnancy so that I have something to work towards to stay healthy. I guess the only outcome I am really looking for is to maintain a healthy weight, only gaining baby weight and not extra on top of that. In order to do that I need to keep active and eat healthy. Sounds simple, but with going back to work soon I definitely have to set some guidelines for myself so that I can stay on track. They are simple and seem like no brainers but I still need to put it in writing so here goes:

1) Eat five servings of fruits / veggies every day. If I do that I am less likely to fill up on things I don't need.

2) Exercise four times a week. This will be hard when I go back to work, but I am willing to at least try to go for walks on my lunch break or go to the YMCA that is right next door to my office. I will also have kickboxing on the evenings for as long as my belly doesn't get in the way.

3) Go to bed at a decent time. If I don't get enough sleep, I don't function well at work and tend to not plan ahead for lunches and snacks.

That's it. Most people would be able to do these things no problem but I tend to cave under stress when I am working and forget to take care of myself.

The good thing is I will have to be home every night at a decent time, because I will want to have some quality time with my sweet little girl. I also think that planning healthy meals once I go back to work won't be too bad because I have a child to feed now - it's not just about me.

I have these ultrasound pictures on the fridge that I hope will keep being a reminder when I have the urge to skip a workout or order take out.

Everything looked good at the ultrasound last week. Heart beat was 160. Measuring right on schedule for a due date of August 17th! The grandparents on my husband's side are hoping for the baby to be born on the 16th because they already have grandchildren with birthdays on the 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th of various months. So the 16th would fill in the gap! 

And here's a preview of what we have in store for Maya's 1st Birthday coming up in March with all of our family and friends!

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