I'd have to say what has kept me going these last few days has been encouragement from others. When I started this blog my intentions were to be able to put into writing what motivates me every day and to keep myself accountable. It was not intended for anyone in particular, however, as time went on, I slowly started sharing it with people in my life.
I have received a lot of encouragement from others and it has made a difference to me. I have realized that everyone needs encouragement once in a while to stay on track. So thanks to those of you who have encouraged me. It is greatly appreciated!
I have received a lot of encouragement from others and it has made a difference to me. I have realized that everyone needs encouragement once in a while to stay on track. So thanks to those of you who have encouraged me. It is greatly appreciated!
Speaking of encouraging people, this is a little rave about people who motivate for a living. These are your aerobics instructors, personal trainers, motivational speakers, teachers, mentors. Without them we would not have the same experiences. The people who choose to work in professions that motivate and help others are the people who usually possess a natural ability to build people up. Even the ones who whistle or give cheesy high fives or look like they have a 24 hour perm-a-smile - they may have bad days but you would never know it because as soon as it's time to get people going they are "on".
There is one particular trainer at my cardio-kickboxing classes who especially motivates me to keep coming back. She says it how it is, encourages people to challenge themselves, and brings a sense of humour to class. Those are the people who make the world go round. So here's to all those energetic people who motivate others day in and day out. You are making a difference people!
There is one particular trainer at my cardio-kickboxing classes who especially motivates me to keep coming back. She says it how it is, encourages people to challenge themselves, and brings a sense of humour to class. Those are the people who make the world go round. So here's to all those energetic people who motivate others day in and day out. You are making a difference people!
You're are encouraging others by sharing your blog. When I read what you are going through it motivates me to think about what I am eating. Thanks for sharing!!