Letters to Nolan

October 28, 2012

Dear Nolan,

Oh my your face is already changing so much and you are getting so big and you are only two and a half months old! You are sleeping longer stretches in your own crib which makes mommy very happy! When you are just hanging out you are the happiest little boy, always full of smiles!  It always amazes me just how fast babies change and grow each day. You are my heart!

September 26, 2012

Dear Nolan, 

If anyone wonders whether it is possible to love a second child as much as their first I am here to assure them that hands down it is possible!  You bring such joy to my heart! I can already tell that you have an intense soul, always looking as though you are years beyond your age. I can't believe that it has already been six weeks since you came into this world and changed the person I am once again, just by simply being. I forgot how sweet that newborn smell is, how intoxicating the feel of baby cheeks can be, how little tiny fingers wrapped around your finger can heal your soul. I look forward to watching you grow and take in the world. My second little tiny miracle. My little sweet, sweet baby boy. 

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