I have written about a few bad days that I have had where I strayed from my meal plan. Well today I thought I would write about some good days. I have been going to a lot of family stuff in the past few months and when I plan ahead for these times I have been successful. For example, last night I had dinner with the fam for my brother's birthday. In my family whenever my Mom makes a birthday dinner the birthday person gets to pick what the meal is. My brother picked tasty calzones, but since that was just too complicated for my meal plan at the moment I brought a chicken salad to have instead. I also brought a few snacks to keep me from getting too hungry and it worked out well. As tempting as the cake was I was able to enjoy a nice juicy grapefruit instead for dessert. I'm not completely giving up all desserts, but I am really trying to keep things in moderation, so more often than not I pass it up. You may be thinking, "Well can't you at least just enjoy a piece of cake on such an occasion as your brother's birthday?". Well the thing is, this is just the beginning of five other birthdays on my side of the family before the end of November - my niece, my husband, my other brother, my Dad, and mine - I have to keep in check! Not to mention Christmas comes after that! Although I will definitely be having some cake on my birthday this year, being a milestone birthday and all! Anyway, my point is, when I plan ahead I set myself up for success. And since I have been complaining a bit on here about when I am failing, I thought it was also important to give myself credit for all the times I have done well. I should also throw in there that I have been making it to kickboxing pretty consistently this past month as well. So today that has what has been keeping me going - giving myself a pat on the back for a job well done!
Speaking of kickboxing, sometimes there are classes where you have to partner up with others for a portion of the class. I know a few people in my class but most of the time I get paired up with a random stranger. I really hate it when you get stuck with a crappy partner. You know, the ones who aren't really all that willing to learn and only give a half assed effort? These people totally bring me down. I am too nice to say anything to them like "get off your butt and work it!", so I just sigh and put up with it and then try to avoid them at all costs the next time.
You deserve a pat on the back, Stace. I think you are doing great. I noticed at the family get together last weekend that you really watched what you ate. Way to go!!! I'm so proud of you!!