
Toddler Cuteness

I just can't get enough of her cuteness lately. She repeats every word that comes out of my mouth. She sings along to songs. She copies all my gestures. She climbs everything. I got a video of her saying "cracker" the other day cause every time I pick her up from daycare she asks for a cracker over and over again all the way home. It must be her new favourite thing. And don't even get me started on the fact that she knows most of her body parts....nose, eyes, ears, mouth, hair, belly button, hands, feet....I had no idea she knew so much!  I know that every other fourteen month old can do these things, but come on, MY baby girl is the cutest for sure!

Another thing I love is when day care sends home things that she has made.  For reals, my heart explodes with pride when I see what she has done (even though I know most of it is the handi work of her teachers and she just puts random splashes of paint on things).  But still, these are the things that make being a parent so much fun. Here are just a few of the things that have come home lately... 

A thumb print necklace

A painted picture frame with sparkles that says "Mom"

These little handprints literally make me swoon.

They love to do stuff with paint!

I cannot even explain how something simple like a tiny handprint on paper can make your day when you are away from your little one at work.  It is such a miracle to watch a child you created grow and learn every day and to change so much every day. I cherish this time in my life.

1 comment:

  1. She's got a little British accent thing going on or something! Love it!


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