
Michelle's havin' a baby....

You may remember me mentioning my BFF on here a few times. 

We've been friends since we were fourteen years old and I have now known her for more than half my life. It's kind of like with my husband who I've known since I was a teenager - I don't really remember my life with either of them not in it. We've really come into our own since then and have been through all of life's big moments. 

Here she is with her lovely step daughter. 

Here she is holding one of our other BFF's daughter after she was born. She's always loved to hold everyone's little babies and always shows enthusiasm when a new bundle arrives.

Now its her turn, she's with child!!!!!     

Michelle is the last out of our group of friends to get preggers and she has been waiting for this moment for while. When she told me the news I was already ten weeks along with my bambino and I was ecstatic that we were going to be able to have such an experience in common. Since we sometimes carpool together (we both commute out of town for work) we would often find ourselves comparing notes about symptoms, doctor's appointments, nursery ideas, baby names, etc.  The thought of having babies so close in age is so exciting! 

Michelle even had this crazy idea to take random pictures of us together every few weeks and see how much our bellies start to grow. We only got one picture so far (bear in mind we just got home from work on a Friday afternoon and were tired and not looking top notch). 

But then Michelle got admitted into the hospital on bed rest due to a short cervix. She was only 24 weeks and they obviously didn't want her going into early labour. So she has been literally sitting in bed (with the exception of using the washroom) for almost a month now. Anyone who knows Michelle understands that this is prison for her, she is a very active person and does not like to sit around and do nothing. 

My heart goes out to her, this is not what she envisioned how her pregnancy would turn out. We always joke that nothing ever seems to go according to plan for her, and so it's not a surprise that she would have to roll with this too. So I made her a calendar to put up in her hospital room where she can mark off every day that baby grows until she gets closer to her due date. I wrote down something every day that she can do to pass the time, just for fun. I try to visit her as much as I can, but you know how it is with working full time and having a little one at home, so at least she has something that shows my support. 

Luckily Michelle has a great support system, lots of family and friends who love her and will help her out. She also works at her parents' business so she doesn't have to worry about her job right now which is good. The other day she told me that the doctor may let her go home in a few weeks and she can at least be in her own bed so I am keeping my fingers cross for her. Baby M, I am rooting for you kid! Keep growing and don't come out until your momma says so!

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