
Lovely Bridesmaid


You may remember me talking about my beloved wedding dress and how I want to be able to fit back into it.  Well, there are a few other things that I would like to use as visual reminders to stay motivated. My bridesmaids dresses. You see, I have been mildly annoyed with the fact that it is going to take a while to get back to a healthy weight. I keep trying to tell myself that since it took years to put on the weight it will take time for it to come off. 

Enter the bridesmaids dresses. I have stood up in a few weddings over the years and each time I got measured for a dress I was bigger than the previous wedding. It kind of shows how I progressed over the years, especially because the first wedding I stood up in was around the time I was starting to become overweight. So I figure, perhaps a good way of keeping me motivated is to put each dress on, one at a time, when they start to fit so that I can slowly see the weight loss progress. It's kind of like rewinding and getting into a smaller dress each time rather than having to wear a bigger dress each time. So without further adieu, here are the dresses for your viewing pleasure. I will post pics when I start fitting into them.  

So how about we go with the biggest and work our way down:

July 2011...

April 2010...

July 2008...

October 2006...

March, 2004...

And I'll throw these in for good measure. Here are a pair of jeans I wore in 2002 that I want to fit into again as well. I don't know why I kept them, I guess I have been wanting to get back into it for quite a while and now is the time to put it into action!

After I fit into the jeans I hope to start wearing sizes that I've never been able to fit into before! So stay tuned for that as well!


I hate, hate, HATE, mommy guilt, it deflates me and gets in the way of my motivation because sometimes it ruins my whole day.  I am always worrying about whether what I am doing is the right thing for my child. When I finally convince myself that I am confident with a decision, someone makes one small little comment and I immediately start feeling guilty about my decision. I know it's not them, it's me. I know what I'm doing to myself when I do it, and yet I can't stop it. I don't know why I'm so sensitive to other's opinions since I have become a Mom.  I was never one of those people and now I am.  I'm lucky that I have a husband who tells me I'm doing a good job.  Ok end of rant. 


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