


I bought some work out clothes a little while ago and they were a bit too snug on me and today when I tried them on they fit nicely, even a bit baggy. 

I should have taken a picture, but nonetheless it made me feel good. Fitting into smaller sizes always keeps me motivated. 


Someone shared this youtube video on facebook the other day. Just another person reinforcing the value of exercise. 

When you are working out it feels good when you can look back on all good things you are doing for yourself. 


We have a train track that is at the very end of our property and a passenger train goes by every few hours. It literally honks it's horn and zooms right by in a matter of seconds.We figured since we live on a two acre lot it would seem farther away.  But when we have the windows open it is quite loud. When we first moved into our house we were like, "What the heck did we get ourselves into?", but after a few days we stopped noticing it and now we don't even consciously hear it half of the time (unless I am cutting the grass and it scares the crap out of me!). 

But after Maya was born, we started noticing it again because she would stop what she was doing whenever it went by and her eyes would open wide. Now a lot of times when we hear the horn we say, "Choo Choo train!" and she still stops what she's doing and watches or listens for it. 

I tried to take a picture of it so I can write about it in Maya's first year scrapbook,  but it goes by so fast by the time I get my camera it is already gone. Today I happened to have the camera right beside me. 

I imagine "choo choo" is going to be one of her first words. 

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