But when it really comes down to it, I just really want to live a certain lifestyle that is healthy and happy. I am getting there, one small change at a time. It has been so gradual that I almost have not even noticed it. It is all about changing your whole beliefs and values about how to live your life, how to raise your family, how to plan for the future. Not just having beliefs, but actually following them. There are still many changes that I would like to make, things that I would eventually like to do (like start my own garden, buy more local foods, use cloth diapers), but one thing at a time. One thing at a time.
So today, the biggest thing that I an thinking about is the new me that I am becoming and the person that I will continue to grow into until my senile old lady years.
I have complained on here time and time again about lack of sleep in my house and how it affects me. I am happy to report that last night my little one only got up once at 3am! Yes, just once! Well technically she woke up at 10pm right before I went to bed but that doesn't count cause I was still awake. And she slept in until 7:30am! This has been a trend lately. Instead of 5 or 6am wake times she has been getting up a bit later. Life is good.
Ok I feel like I have been the last person to get on the pinterest bandwagon, but goodness I love that site! I am waiting for my invitation, can't wait! I first came across it when someone wrote about it in her blog. I checked it out and thought "that's cool!", but then forgot about it. Then my SIL mentioned it to me again and I was like, "Oh yeah, I wanted to get on that!". It would have come in real handy when I was planning my wedding, or decorating the nursery. I am one of those people that has folders and folders of stuff that I grab off the net for ideas so this site will come in real handy!
A few things I found recently:
How to paint your nails.
Store your sheets in the matching pillow cases to keep sets together.
Cool fabric wreath.
When I get my own pinterest board, I'll send ya the link!
Stace, I just sent you an invite for pinterest.. don't know if that means you still have to go on the waiting list or not, but I'd thought I'd try!