
For Insurance Purposes


Another hectic day. Maya is still sick. Somehow I have barely sat down today and yet I can't even say that I got a whole lot accomplished other than grocery shopping, dinner made, you know, the usual stuff.   I ran off to kickboxing this morning and didn't even have time to sit down and write about my daily reason for motivation. Now it's almost nine o'clock and I just got finished putting the humidifier in Maya's room (poor babe!). But this is what I have been thinking about all day:

The other day my hubby and I were answering some general health questions for purposes of life insurance. You know, when they ask you if you have any history of this and that, so on and so forth.  It was very minimal coverage and we didn't have to give that much information. But in the past, we have had to undergo more extensive health screening for some of the policies we purchased. That included having to answer questions about weight, etc.  When I was pregnant for Maya I HATED having to do those medicals because I was at such an awful weight. Even though they consider the fact that you are pregnant and do not always weigh that much, I still always hated having to say the number. 

This time around, I was grateful that I wouldn't have to report such a high number. But still, I am not yet at a healthy weight (according to the BMI) so I am going to keep working towards more weight loss. So today, whenever I felt like straying from the plan I remembered how good it will feel when I can just answer a question about my weight without wincing. 


You know what I like? When you get partnered up with someone at kickboxing and you punch faster and harder than them. When you see them huffing and puffing and can't finish and you are like "wham" and keep going strong. 

I know you are only supposed to compete with yourself blah blah blah, but sometimes it's nice to have a little healthy competition. 


Chris just e-mailed this to me and I think it's pretty cool. He is a difficult person to buy gifts for and it's nice when he sends me ideas. 

It's this lottery calendar where you buy it for someone and they have a chance to win money every day of the year. If you live in Ontario, check it out!  And it's for a great cause. Such a great idea. 

I also came across this site the other day where you can order a puzzle with your picture on it. Apparently this is not a new concept and there are tons of sites that do this. My grandma is a big fan of puzzles so guess what she's getting this year? 

Ok now I have to go catch up on some old school 90210 on Netflicks. Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stace...those H&S calenders are great..I purchased them last year for gift giving and again this year...such a good cause, and maybe a little something to look forward to everyday..


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