Hey it's Miss Maya here! It's been a while since I have said "hi", so thought I would tell you about my day so far. This week has been a good week because my Daddy has a month off of work and my Mom doesn't go back to work for another four weeks so I get to see both of them all day every day! If I had it my way, there would be no such thing as work for adults to go to. Anyway, today has been pretty uneventful, but I wanted to mention a problem that I have been having. It's called a BAD HAIR DAY! Well I pretty much have a bad hair day every day, usually my hair sticks up all over the place. No matter what my Mom does, it won't stay put! But this morning after my nap it was especially unruly and I asked my Mom to take a picture for you to see.
What is a girl to do with such hair?
Mom tried a few different things to get it under control. Sometimes she puts a little pony tail on the top of my head just so it will stay out of my way when I am eating and playing.
But it still looks kinda funny.
We tried piggy tails and that looked a bit better but I couldn't help myself and I started playing with them until they fell out.

There's always the classic barrette to use when trying to keep bad hair under control, but they are so small sometimes Mom get's worried I am going to put them in my mouth (and sometimes I do!)
This clip is my Mom's favourite, but it doesn't match a lot of my outfits.
So most of the time my Mom just ends up wetting my hair and brushing it down like this until it gets crazy again!
I can't wait for my hair to get longer so it won't stick up so much!
So today we spent some time on my hair and now I am just getting ready for another nap. Mom and Dad have been talking a lot lately about a "new baby" that is coming but I'm not really sure that that is about. They seem to get real excited when I clap my hands lately or when I say the word banana. I don't see what the big deal is but I go along with it. I hope you are all having a great day!
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