
For Comparison Purposes

So here's what I looked like when I was pregnant with Maya around 26 weeks, 36 weeks, and 38 weeks. 

First of all, I look back at these pictures and think, "Wow!" I was as big as a house. How could my belly get that big, seriously people!". But the part that really stands out is how unhealthy I looked cause of all the extra weight. I thought maybe I would see how I look with this pregnancy and compare later on, just to see if I will look a bit different or not this time around since my weight loss. So far my pregnancy weight has been wavering back and forth in the 4 lb range. Some days I am up 4 lbs since my pre-pregnancy weight, others I am down 2. But the past week I have mostly been up. I already feel blah when I look in the mirror. My waist is completely gone and I am already popping out a bit, depending on what outfit I wear. I feel flabby because the foods I have been eating have dramatically changed since I was on my weigh loss meal plan. I have been eating way more bread and pasta. Still can't seem to get into eating a lot of meat. It's been hard to get all my servings of fruit/veggies every day. I have no problem with fruit, but veggies is a bit more difficult. I have been going to kickboxing regularly - this is the only thing keeping me from feeling completely gross. I keep telling myself being in the second trimester (I'm now 14 weeks) I will be able to eat more normal again but thinking back to my pregnancy with Maya all my tastes were changed just like this time. As soon as I was no longer pregnant with Maya I craved salad and apple sauce and meats - all things that I couldn't get into when I was pregnant. Anyway, the point of all this rambling is that pregnancy has changed my eating and I am going to have to really make an effort to stay afloat in order to maintain and give my little bean all the nutrients he/she needs.  When I go to my first OB appointment in a few weeks I am going to ask them how much I weighed at this point in my previous pregnancy just for comparison purposes. I think I need to use the numbers to keep myself focused. I have been feeling the baby move a lot earlier than when I was pregnant with Maya - just little pops here and there. But last night when was taking a bath I felt full out movement. Oh how I missed that feeling!

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