Valentines day is usually not a super huge deal at our house, no crazy sing-o-grams or lavish gifts, but Chris and I always do a little something to acknowledge our love for one another. Before we were married and living in different cities Chris would send me flowers and we would be all lovey dovey and be all like, "I miss you". After we moved in together and got married we would use it as an excuse to go out for a nice dinner. Now that we have a kid we are mostly just focused on showing Maya that we love each other and that she is loved. I think that is important for kids to see at home. Anyway, one thing that I have done over the years is make a pancake breakfast. I cut the pancakes into hearts and then set the table with a nice card and maybe some candy and then Chris comes down stairs to pig out. Here's how it turned out this year.

I made sure to have a serving of fruit with my pancakes and I had some leftover grilled veggies and pork for lunch that came to about two servings. So two more to go at dinner. Chris is making some ginger beef chinese dish something or other.
Hope you get to spend valentines day with your loved ones!
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