
Time to talk about some stuff.

Ok, now that I am pregnant again things are so much more simple and so much more complicated at the same time. I don't even know where to begin. I will start by saying I have not been giving this blog much attention lately, and I think it is partly because I have been wanting to change the focus a little bit and revamp but just haven't had time. Plus with being pregnant and not announcing it yet it was hard to write about my weight loss journey without talking about it.

So details. I am currently 12 weeks. My due date is August 17th (same day as my cute little niece's birthday).  I found out pretty early, the morning we were getting ready to have my in-laws over for a Christmas get together. There was a faint pink line, and my husband and I were trying to react without waking up our guests who had stayed overnight. So we kept silently mouthing what we were thinking to each other and smiling at the news. At the same time we were kind of like, "What did we get ourselves into?". Our little ones will only be 17 months apart - almost a year and a half. But although it was a bit scary to think about, we were so excited about the idea of our family growing.

We told our close family and friends early, because we knew we were going on a vacation with Chris' parents and we wouldn't be able to go the whole two weeks keeping it a secret from them - especially when I would have to turn down a glass of wine (or sangria in this trip's case). I still have not had an ultrasound - where I live they do a routine one at about 11-14 weeks and another one around 18-20 weeks. I have one scheduled next week.  Hopefully the results will come back without any worries, but if something does show up we will handle it.

So this change will have a major impact on my goals of getting healthy and losing weight. It really has been difficult for me to wrap my head around what defines healthy eating because my goal has always been to lose weight and now my goal is just to maintain. The first thing my doctor told me was to quit the meal plan I was following (because essentially it was a diet) and just eat normal healthy food. On the other hand, I still have the issue of my gall bladder - doc says that I will have to try to get through this pregnancy without too much gall bladder inflammation because they only do gall bladder surgery on pregnant women in cases of emergency or infection. So essentially I am still supposed to eat low fat, high fibre - which was exactly what I was doing before. So she said that in my case I may actually lose some weight during my pregnancy instead of gain weight depending on how much fat intake I limit myself to.

Over the holidays I have been trying so hard to find what foods cause me gall bladder pain so that I can avoid them, but it seems that no matter what I cut out or eat I was still getting pain. Then all of a sudden after New Years the pain kind of went away. And again, it seems no matter what I ate or didn't eat, it didn't seem to make a difference. So I started eating things like margarine, milk, olive oil, and lettuce again (all things I was told to avoid). I still tried to stay clear of desserts and the like and was able to avoid them all together until I went on vacay.  So now lately I have just been eating whatever I want because there does not seem to be anything upsetting my gall bladder at this time. But I do wonder if I am just playing "russian roulette" and the time will come when I have another attack. So I really should still try to eat low fat as much as possible.

And that brings me to the other factor affecting my eating right now. Major morning (all day) sickness. I had it bad when I was pregnant with Maya and it has been back this time with a vengeance.  I have been taking diclectin - a safe pill you can take for sickness during pregnancy and it has definitely taken the edge off and some days I actually feel normal. But it has affected my appetite and I have had a few food adversions. I have been staying clear of chicken, it grosses me out, and have switched from ground turkey to ground beef for the same reason. I have been wanting mostly bland comfort foods like pasta dishes and toast and cereal. And omigoodness I have been craving sweets!

And now that I am pregnant I have been secretly telling myself that I can get away with eating things that before I would not have touched. I am gonna have to watch out for that! But more on that later.

So, yeah, things are a changin' for me. I am currently trying to wrap my head around the whole concept of weight maintenance rather than weight loss. I am trying to motivate myself to have some new goals specific to my pregnancy, which I plan to talk about on here.  I am still going to kickboxing, I got the green light from my doctor to continue. I am sticking to the basic moves and watching my heart rate. I am so glad that I will still be exercising cause during my last pregnancy I quit kickboxing and felt like crap because of it.

In the next few weeks I will be changing some of the stuff on this blog - updating things and deleting things - to keep up with the new changes and to reflect where I am in my journey right now.

This blog started out as posting daily reasons of motivation to no one in particular, mainly as a way for me to keep accountable and focused. It has since evolved into sharing about my life with others and saying what's on my mind.

I hope that you will enjoy reading about my journey as I continue to write about my experiences! Good or bad, no matter whether I accomplish or fail, I will always try to be honest about what I share with you all!

For now I will leave you with a few cute pictures of Maya on our vacation!


  1. You are a great Mommy, and will be a busy family but you will do just fine. Keep healthy, glad the Diclectin helps you, did nothing for me. Found eating small amounts often was the best. Congratulations again, take care of my
    'lil nephew!

  2. I agree with Lena!! Congratulations.... can't wait to meet my new little grandchild!!


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