
The Way Our Mother See Us


When you are looking at pictures of when you are younger it is always in retrospect that you think, "I wish I appreciated my young body when I had it".  I was looking at pictures of myself and kept thinking, "If I only really truly knew my potential when I was that age. If I really just understood myself how other people saw me". But that's how life goes isn't it? And then you have kids of your own and you think, "I hope my little one always knows how beautiful she / he really is". When Maya grows up I want her to really truly appreciate her beauty (because we are all beautiful in one way or another) and I want her to really understand how one's regard for oneself can go a long way in how attractive they appear to others. If you feel good about yourself it will show. If you hate the way you look, if you second guess whether you are worthy, you will look unattractive to others. I truly believe this. But most importantly, I just want her to never take for granted the wonderful person that she is.  If only we saw ourselves the way our mothers see us - beautiful, wonderful, amazing, talented, full of potential. Really, that's what we are, but we don't always see it like that. 

Today I want to keep this in mind. I want to get to a point where I can really truly appreciate myself the way that I know my mother see's me and I want Maya to see that and do the same. If you love your body and take care of it, you are more likely to eat healthy and to feel better about yourself. So that's my focus today. 


I have been wanting to find a low fat butter chicken recipe and so yesterday I tried this one. I substituted the butter for a few teaspoons of low fat margarine and the yogurt with fat free yogurt. It was a day where Maya was really needy, I think her gums were bugging her, and it literally took me two hours to cook the meal start to finish. By the time Chris came home I was holding her out to him saying, "Take her please so I can get dinner done!". It wasn't until seven o'clock that we actual sat down to eat (and we usually eat by 5:30pm). 

Anyway, Chris and I gave the recipe a big fat fail. Not all recipes are destined to be low fat and I think butter chicken isn't one of them in my opinion. I thought for sure the spices would make it all come together, but.... notsomuch.  


Ok in the last few months every time I go to the grocery store or anywhere else I get called "Mam". What's up with that? I used to be "Miss", sometimes even "Madam", but now I am just "Mam". It's like as soon as I show up anywhere with a baby I am now an old person, or at least that's what I think of when I hear the word "Mam".  I have definitely lost my cool, hip, young person aura and you-know-who took it from me...

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