Another blurb about someone who inspires me. This person I am related to. We are the same age. The first word that comes to mind when I describe her to people is "kindred spirit". This person is one of the few people that know my innermost thoughts and secrets. I have never laughed as often and as much as I have with this person. When we talk the words just melt out of our mouths like butter. We almost finish each other's sentences. The reason she is an inspiration to me is because she is a survivor. She has endured very difficult things and remains resilient. She has grown into an amazing individual and she has always had this motivating quality about her. When she is around others she is a leader, a mentor, a hilarious person. She has this thing about her where she is intuitive, sensitive to others, always knows what is not spoken. She has had to work through a lot of crap in her life to get to where she is, but that does not define her and that is not all of her. She is creative, artistic, kind, lovely. Her roots are in simple values and she often demonstrates a wisdom that is beyond her years. She is the queen of finding touching and sentimental gifts for others. She always makes sure there is meaning in her relationships. She puts thought and love into everything she does. She thrives on doing for others, although as an adult she now knows when to take care of herself too. She is one of the most thoughtful people I know. The other thing I admire is that she is one of the bravest people I know. She has faced some emotions that anyone would want to run away from, but yet here she is - a survivor - going forward every day, living her life, and touching many hearts along the way. I don't think she really knows how others see her and how important she is to so many people, but we are all like that aren't we? Today I will think of her if I need some courage, if I need to be brave, if I need to keep going.
Other people who inspire me:
A random collage of beautiful things to share:
In my piano room there is this one window right above the piano. When I am playing I get to see the seasons change. Here are some pictures I took last fall when the sky was really blue.
Another thing that I think is beautiful is watching things grow. Whether it is a plant or an animal or a family member. It is amazing to see how we are always changing, always growing. It makes me think of my first baby. When he was a pup he was sooooo cute, and he grew fast, and now he is such a handsome little doggy. When I look back at these pictures I smile. He started out so tiny that he used to fit his whole body under the coffee table and now he is lucky if he could even fit his head.
Another beautiful thing: girl talk. It's the best.
Other beautiful things:
backyard creatures, island getaway, french city, cottage fun, maritime, summer vacation, mexico paradise