
You're My Inspiration


This woman in my life who inspires me is my sister and best friend. There is something about the common experience of growing up together in the same house that glues two people together like no other. Although we live far away from each other, we are on the phone with each other all the time, and we pretty much tell each other everything. My big sis is an inspiration to me because she is a cheerleader. Not only is she a cheerleader but she is the head of the squad. Being the oldest of four children she has always been the one taking care of others and encouraging others.  She has always been the leader. She is always cheering people on and is genuinely happy for other people's accomplishments and good fortunes. My sister doesn't have a jealous bone in her body. She is not happy unless everyone else is happy, and she goes to great lengths to nurture her relationships.

My sister has been cheering for me since I can remember. She is the one person who I know will always tell me that she is proud of me and will keep me motivated when I feel like giving up. She is like this with others too. In her work and in her personal life, she has always been in charge of others, and she is fair and open-minded.

My sister is always ready to try new things and is one of the most independent people I know. She has no qualms about picking up and moving to a new place if there is an opportunity and she makes friends everywhere she goes. She has moved from west to east, and some places in between, but she always comes home. Home is important to her.

She loves her niece more than any thing. I've seen her stealing a whiff of Maya's hair one last time before she leaves because she knows that the next time she's here that new born smell will be gone. I've caught her hoarding kisses of her soft cheeks and trying to etch Maya's face into her memory because she won't get to touch her again until the next visit. She truly soaks up every moment with my little itty bitty and it makes my heart melt every time. That is just one example of how much she thrives on connections with others.

So thanks sis, for always cheering me on, for being a great role model and leader. You are my inspiration today!

Other women who inspire me:


More things beautiful. An east coast trip. Mind the tacky date stamps, they are from my old camera. 

Other beautiful things:


1 comment:

  1. Awww, your sis is awesome. Every time I see her she is so positive, upbeat, and her enthusiasm is catching.
    Sometimes I wish I had a sister, but as least I have some cool sisters-in-law .. or is it sister-in-laws? haha :)


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