
You're My Inspiration


Another post about women in my life who inspire me. This person I met when I was fourteen years old, and we have been best friends ever since. Our friendship has endured the past sixteen years - years of our life that have seen many dramatic changes from becoming adults, to living on our own, to starting careers, getting married, having children. Our relationship is easy and we've never had to question how strong it is because we have just always known that we were going to be sisters for life. We have not always agreed on things, we have sometimes been in different places in our lives, but our respect and loyalty for one another has always remained constant. We have been there for everything in each other's lives and have shared many happy memories together. This person is an inspiration to me because she presses on. Lazy is not an option for her. It doesn't even occur to her to give up on things. She is a very giving person and is always doing for others. She remains active in her day to day life, whether it be going to dance class, putting together a volleyball team, going to the gym, getting up at 8am for soccer, or signing up for a race.  She also has an artistic side that not everyone knows about. She does everything with her whole heart and loves everyone with her whole being. Is she perfect? Heck no! But she always has good intentions in everything that she does. Her husband and step-daughter are lucky to have her. She is the centre of their household, the one who keeps it all together. She is one of the most selfless people I know.  She's not afraid to demonstrate her emotions. Despite being a grown up, she is not too proud to call her Mom for advice. Despite being a chick, she's not too good to get her hands dirty. Despite having a kind heart, she is not afraid to say it how it is. She genuinely is a lover of life. But the thing that inspires me the most is the fact that she always presses on in the face of challenges. When life doesn't go as planned, she keeps moving, keeps striving, doesn't give up. So that is what I am going to remember today - my friend's ability to endure, withstand, and keep doing, no matter what.

Other people who inspire me:

triplet lady, mountain climber, wise one


Another collection of beautiful things. These bring back good memories from a cottage vacation. 

Other beautiful things:


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