
Baby Fat


There is this online birth club that I joined when I was pregnant with Maya that is all Mom's with March babies. Yesterday someone started a thread on the message board about losing baby weight. She had asked whether anyone else was still trying to lose their baby weight and if not, how much more they had to lose before they are back to their pre-baby weight.  Reading this thread made me feel good because I have lost all my baby weight plus 26 lbs on top of that. 

This is a big deal for me because I always had this fear that I would gain more and more weight each time I had a baby and never truly get back to how I was pre-baby. My body is still not the same - stretch marks and a few varicose veins (I know gross), but at least I can say that I got back to a decent weight. There's still more weight that I want to lose but at least I have accomplished this goal. So that's what keeps me motivated today: being able to feel good about losing the baby weight and then some. 


Christmas is coming up and I am feeling a bit anxious about all the parties and stuff that will have lots of food and desserts. I know that everything is fine in moderation but it's really hard not to "fall off the wagon" at this time of year. 

I've warned my husband - it may make me a bit cranky. I hate that something like food can ruin what is normally a magical time of year for me.  I know it's mostly in my head, but it is frustrating all the same. 


So here are the rest of the pictures from our visit to Nova Scotia. It was a pretty low key trip. We did not travel around and see the ocean or eat lobsters or all the other things you do when you visit the east coast. Really, Maya and I just visited with my sister and her husband. They don't get to see Maya that often, and so they were kinda just soaking up the time they had with her. 

How we spent our time:

celebrated my sister's birthday
celebrated my birthday early
went out for lunch
walked around downtown
ordered take out
went to the market
had impromptu photo shoots with Maya in the living room
cuddled and watched TV
had turkey dinner with my sister's friends
set up a play date for Maya
fed Maya her first taste of ice cream (omigod she went bonkers for it)
went swimming
watched movies
played with balloons
listened to a lot of records
went for walks

It was a good visit. The people living above my sister were really loud and so Maya did not sleep very well. Once we got a white noise machine it was better. Maya was a bit off kilter the first few days and would scream if I was more than three feet away from her but by the end she had made herself right at home.  I am glad that she was able to spend some quality time with her Aunt and that I have pictures for her to look back on her first trip out east. I look forward to spending summer vacations there going whale watching and seeing the tides go in and out.  When we returned home you could tell that Maya was missing her Daddy. We talked to him on the phone while we were away and skyped him a few times. Every time she heard his voice she would light up. When we saw him at the air port she was overwhelmed with emotions (from all the travelling and being away from home and lack of sleep). She laid her head right on her Daddy's shoulder and stayed that way as if to say, "I had fun but I am sure glad to be home!".  The first morning that she took a nap back in her crib she slept for two and a half hours.  I guess there's no place like home!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you both had a great time. Love your pictures.


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