
Life Is Good


Lately Chris and I have been going for lots of walks with our baby girl and the dog. The weather this weekend was so cool and crisp - perfect walking weather! It is nice to be able to do something as a family that is as simple as getting a little exercise and catching up on our day. 

Since I have been off work we have also been having a lot more family meals. Sitting together and having this routine has been nice. These are the moments where it all begins. Where we start being a family.
This afternoon Chris and I even sat on the back porch together and just looked out onto the yard with our dog Gunther while Maya was upstairs napping. We talked about what the next few years are going to look like for us.  It's the simple things like that which make me content with life at the moment. I know that one day Maya will become independent and things won't be as easy and simple. Sure,  having an infant is busy and crazy a lot of the time - there is a lot of worrying, lack of sleep and so on. But one day I am going to look back on this time and wish that things were as content as they are now.  Especially when Maya becomes a teenager and decides that I have ruined her life even though she still expects me to give her twenty dollars and a ride to her friends' house.  These times also allow me to continue to focus on what is important, and being healthy is one of the top priorities on the list. So that is what I will continue to think about today. 


This week I am going to attempt to put together some kind of apple filling that has no sugar in it that is still tasty.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

I may try to pair it with a low fat crepe recipe I found online. So stay tuned!


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