
Family Day


I love fresh blueberries. Yesterday we went blueberry picking. It is the end of the season and it took twice as long to get a bucket full of sweet nature's candy because most of the big juicy ones were already taken. It was hot and tiring on the body. Maya and I had to go in to cool off way before her Dad was done. Babies and heat don't mix. Nonetheless it was fun to get out of the house. 

Here are some pictures I took from my phone. 

Since it was so hot we decided to take a last minute detour to the grandparents' house for a dip in the pool to cool off.  The pool was cold and it took Maya a while to get used to the water, but she loved it anyway. It was a great family day. 

On the way home we were able to see the sunset and it was the biggest sun ever. You know the one that signals that fall is pretty much here? I tried to take a picture but my phone camera just didn't do it justice at all. 

Watching the sun with Maya sleeping in the back, and us on our way home, I started reflecting on the day as it ended.  It really got me thinking to just how lucky I am that I can do these things with Maya. Not everyone is as able bodied and fortunate. It made me realize that the saying "your body is your temple" really rings true. I really want to take care of myself so that we can create many family memories together and be active as a family. I want to be able to be right in there, part of the action with Maya, and still be active way into my senior years to do things with my grandkids too when I get older. So today I am motivated to take care of myself and never take my able bodied self for granted. 


Just my opinion. It somewhat bothers me when people say that others should accept themselves for who they are even if they are overweight. Yes I agree that you have to love yourself on the inside and there is more to life than looking great in a bikini. Yes, life would be a lot less stressful if some could achieve a level of acceptance of who they are inside and out. Losing weight is not about calories, but about changing your perspective on yourself and the world. But they also don't understand that most people want to lose weight so they can feel better, be healthy, and be able to do more things. If anyone has ever been pregnant, they know how limited they become towards the end with not being able to go up the stairs without getting out of breath, or not being able to bend over to tie their shoe. Well that's what it is like for some overweight people, only it's all the time. Being pregnant gave me insight into that and I don't want to ever get like that in my life. So yes, I would like to get rid of nasty sausage arms and neck blob. I don't like my back fat. But really when it comes down to it I am not aiming for perfect body, I am aiming to look healthy and feel healthy. And I'm sorry, but having neck blob is just not healthy.  I am learning to have a deeper love for myself and that means taking care of myself as mentioned above. 


1 comment:

  1. Stacey...this is my second post, not sure what happened to the first one...anyhow I just wanted to say I like your blog...its great seeing Maya and her changing ways as she grows...good for you on your diet..its tough I know, persistence does pay off...however if that bag of cookies were on my counter they'd be gone in a day...cheers to you..


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