
I Ran Into Myself


I went to a BBQ on the weekend and while I was there I ran into myself. What I mean is, there was someone there that I see from time to time, who reminds me a lot of myself. This person is the nicest person, but struggles to lose weight just like me. How do I know? Well, it isn't by her telling me so. It is in the way she dresses, the way she talks, the ways she acts, etc. You see, no one ever says it, but you can spot a person like this a mile away. Really, it's like wearing a heart on your sleeve. People's outsides usually always give them away in the end. Even when they act their normal wonderful social self. If what I am saying does not make sense, well, then I will get to my original point which is that I ran into myself. When this occurred it was like looking into a mirror and it forced me to further reflect on my current journey. 

When I did so, I realized that I used to be just like this person, but now I am different. It's like the process of me changing my habits has allowed me to step into a category outside of them. It made me really look at what I used to be like and now I am grateful that I am no longer like that. Ok let me explain it in a different way. It's like an ex-smoker looking at a group of smokers and being glad that they are "no longer one of them".  It motivates me to keep going, because I know I've changed. 


Our cardio kickboxing instructor has challenged us all to go a whole day without eating any processed foods. I chose to do it yesterday. What a great idea, except, in the end I caved! In theory it doesn't sound that bad, but, my goodness I just couldn't seem to give up the only two processed foods that I still eat these days: salad dressing and margarine! Well, ok, I guess I could make my own dressing if I just made the effort. But trying to reproduce the affects of margarine on your potatoes is difficult. And it just so happened that we had some roasted potatoes with dinner last night. I thought about having some fat free sour cream on them but that is also processed.  

So there you have it, I wasn't able to do it. Who thought something so small could corrupt your whole plan! And another thing: I cannot seem to quit starches all together! I still have to have the odd potato or rice every now and then to stay sane. It's a product of my childhood I tell ya!


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