
Live To A Hundred


One thing that really seems to motivate me these days are things that I observe in others that I don't want to become -  like, for instance, when I see how much other people's extra weight gets in the way of their day to day functioning and their relationships. One example: watching someone not being able to play catch with their grandson because they have a hard time bending over to get the ball. Another example may be watching someone declining an invitation to go to a show because they are worried they won't fit in the seats. Some people even struggle just to go up and down stairs and have a myriad of health problems.  

These people are all genuinely good people who are very loved by others, but it breaks my heart to see their day to day struggles because of these types of physical limitations. Whenever I see this in others, I say to myself, "God please don't ever let me get to that point in my life". So there you have it. Today I am motivated to live to a hundred and to be able to run, jump, and play with my sweet precious baby for the rest of her life and to be able to do the same with my grand kids some day.  Maybe I will even go sky diving with them like this guy:


Today I would like to Rave about one of my dearest friends. My husband's job often requires him to work overtime un-expextedly like yesterday when he was supposed to be home at supper time but didn't return until two thirty am.  On days like these I am stuck and cannot go to my cardio kickboxing class because of Maya. Now, usually I would just shrug my shoulders and say, "Oh well, guess I will just go tomorrow", but instead this time I decided to ask for some help. I am really trying to live each day as if it is my last instead of my old "worry about it tomorrow" mentality. The thing is, everyone I know works full time and then has a family to go home to at the end of the day, so I struggled with who to call. I decided to call one of my best friends who came over with no notice and no questions asked. She did everything under the moon to entertain my sweet Maya for an hour and a half so that she wouldn't cry, which is not always easy.  She could have went home and had dinner with her own family but instead she helped out a friend in need. Thanks my bestest! I owe ya one.


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