
In The Present


I'm not gonna lie. The last few days at my house have been a bit crazy. You know how it is - those days when it seems everything goes wrong and everyone seems to need something from you at the same time. When it's like that it makes it very easy to want to give up on your own personal goals because at the time it seems like it would be so much easier. But then yesterday I snapped out of it. I started thinking about other people who also have a lot on their plates. People who have gone through very difficult things. People who have it a lot worse than I do. I've got a pretty good life I must say, considering some of the stress. Then I read something on a blog called Dear Baby. It inspired me to reflect on how to be more present in my life. So my motivation today is to try to be present, even if I'm struggling with whatever, and just be grateful for this time in my life. Because it IS a good life I have. 


Ok. Today I would like to do a little Rant about all the enablers in the world. Those people who encourage others to follow unhealthy eating habits.  Like my husband says, they are like the devil on your shoulder just cheering you on to break the rules. They ask you to delve into a deep dish pizza they just made (as they put a great smelling piece right in front of your face), or to accept their gift of home made cookies (when they are fresh out of the oven). They say things like "Why don't we order some take out?", or "One brownie won't hurt your diet".  Some of these people don't even realize they are sabotoging, they just have bad eating habits and think it is normal for everyone else to eat the same. Others know what they are doing. They want to eat bad and so they try to get you to go along with them so that they don't feel guilty about indulging. And then there are those old school ladies who truly believe that they must feed you every thing in their cupboard when you come to visit or else they are not a good hostess (because that's it how it is in whatever country they come from). Then when you say "no thanks!", they look at you like you've got three heads! Whatever type they are, enablers are no fun to be around when you are trying to use discretion at to what goes in your mouth. I admit I may have been one of these people in the past from time to time, and so, I know just what to do when I come across one. I just say NO a bunch of times. Once you do it enough they get the hint and go on to someone else. You see I still have all the control. I will not listen to you enablers! You have no power over me. 


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