
Family Pictures


For Christmas this year I want to take a family picture sitting by the Christmas tree. I want to actually like the way I look in the picture. Just another small goal of mine. 


A while back I started a post talking about beautiful things around us and how beauty can be found everywhere, and when you do find something beautiful it is nurturing to the soul. 

Every spring we plant flowers in pots around our deck and a few other places. I love to sit out on the back porch and look at all the flowers growing. We planted some again this year but since Maya has arrived we have barely had time to pay attention to our gardens, let alone keeping up with the grass cutting. 

I have been guilty of not watering our flowers much this year. Actually, I can count on one hand the amount of times. Despite this, a few times when I thought for sure they were all dead it would rain and a few would come back. I always think that's pretty cool when that happens.  Luckily it rained a lot so they didn't completely die but as you can see they didn't make out very well this year. Here's what's left of the poor things. 

In the fall I usually buy some Mums and I am excited to say that they are doing better than the flowers we planted in the spring. I have been really trying to make an effort to water them as much as possible. Every time I drive up the driveway in the front yard I smile a bit on the inside when I see the array of colours. So beautiful. Aren't they purrrdy? 


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