
What's Keeping Me Going Today


Ok, today kinda got away from me. I was up every hour with Maya last night and so hubby let me sleep in until 8:00am but I had to leave for kickboxing 45 mins later so I didn't get a chance to blog as I usually do when eating breakfast. Then the rest of the day happened and you know how that goes! Anyhow, I was talking the other day about things happening for a reason, and well these two things happened recently since then that although could just be mere coincidence, it still helped me to keep on truckin!

First off, I have been fighting the popcorn addiction and some nights I lose. I still eat it on average 4-5 times a week. I know, I know, it's silly. I air pop it, put a little low fat margarine on it and shake a little seasoning. Even though it isn't much more calories, it still is more that I don't need. So the other night I gave in and made some popcorn and was feeling kinda guilty about it when all of a sudden I shook it in my nifty tepperwear container and the lid fell off. Popcorn went flying everywhere, including the floor. 

Needless to say, Gunther was quite pleased. It pays to have a human vaccuum cleaner during times like this. 

I started laughing at myself and grabbed my camera to document the moment. It was a sign. It was a sign that said, "don't be silly, you don't really need the popcorn, you are just trying to fill up because it's night time and that is always when you want to fill up".  Since then I have only been trying to have popcorn on a day that I work out (since my meal plan allows for a few extra calories on days that I exercise).  The only other exception is if Chris and I rent a movie or we have a bon fire or some such thing. 

The second thing happened when I was not expecting it - I was checking my e-mail and bam! I got a random e-mail from someone telling me that they think that I am doing a good job with my weight loss and that I am beautiful.  This was nice because I get a lot of dumb e-mails that I have to sift through from various message boards, e-mail flyers, etc. It was nice to get something else for a change. It's kind of like getting a card in the mail. 

I am usually uncomfortable when people compliment me on things such as my weight because it reminds me that I once looked horrible, but this person made my day. The last few days I have been having a hard time with staying motivated and it really helped me keep moving forward. 

Speaking of which I have been wanting to post a progress report on how I am doing but just haven't had the time to really sit down and take the time to do such a post. Hopefully tomorrow. 


Still having a hard time getting enough sleep. I was totally dragging my but at kickboxing this morning, but I went, which is more than I can say for myself five years ago where I would have for sure slept in. On top of it I got a good walk in with some visitors afterwards.  Then I had some good old girl talk with my besties for a few hours. This was definitely made possible by my husband who got up with Maya at 6am this morning so I could sleep for a few hours. He also sat with Maya for the rest of the morning so I could do some things and helped with taking care of some other stuff that he didn't sign up for but did anyway without complaining. So I am raving about him today because although there are times when we nag each other, he really is a good husband and I am lucky to have him! He never assumes that Maya is just my responsibility and when he doesn't work the next day he always offers to get up with Maya through the night or in the morning.  We really are a team in many ways.  He is once again hanging out with Maya downstairs so I can get my blog post done. I can hear them both talking to each other and laughing.  I am making him a nice pork roast dinner right now as we speak to show my appreciation! 


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